Weight fluctuates wildly and doesn't settle long enough to take a measurement easily

I'm on the latest 3.30 firmware. I've also reset and tared my scale multiple times. When I step on my scale lately, the last couple of weeks really, the weight really pinballs around by multiple pounds for a long time. I'm the past this would stop after a few seconds as I stand very still. But lately it takes up to a minute to get the weight to settle down long enough for the weight icon to show up for it to sync. It also makes me distrustful of the actual weight it settles on. I even hold my breath but that doesn't seem to help. Scanning the recent posts this doesn't sound like a common issue so I doubt I'll find solution, but wanted to check anyway.

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  • Same here. Crazy weight variations in the same day. Like 4 or 5 kg (!!)
    Bought it for the convenience of registering the weight in the app automatically, but already regret having bought this expensive garbage.

  • My weight readings have been consistently accurate. Make sure you're correctly recording your weight as mentioned in the manual - Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale Owners Manual - Reading and Recording Measurements

    Reading and Recording Measurements
    For the most accurate weight measurement, you should use the device on a hard, flat floor.

    Each time you step on the device, it calculates your weight and other measurements. The LCD screen displays the calculated measurements automatically, moving to the next measurement every few seconds.

    1. Remove your socks and shoes.
    2. First, tap the scale before standing on it. The LCD display activates.
    3. Stand on the scale barefoot. TIP: For best results, stand still with your feet placed flat on the glass surface of the scale.) The scale displays your weight.
    4. When you see your initials, step off the scale. The scale displays additional measurements.

    If you're still having problems getting a consistant weight reading, I recommend reaching out to the Product Support through their website at https://support.garmin.com.

  • I have the same issue, just bought this piece of garbage. I step on it and the weight rolls through 10-15 pounds interval and never settles. Feet icon flash on and off while I stand still.

    Will be returning this ASAP, no amount of support can fix stupid.

  • Actually, there are a bunch of tricks with this "smart" scale, I didn't know of.
    1 - You can't just hop in, you have to tap to turn it on, wait for the feet sign, and only then hop in.
    2 - This one is just... crazy. Socks interfere wildly with the weight...

    After knowing this, it seems to be weighting ok.
    I still consider it expensive crap.

  • I have to take at least 4-5 readings every morning (with taring each time) to get something close to accurate. I have used my husband's 15 year old non-smart digital body weight scale as a accuracy check, but it just died, so I'm back to spending 5 minutes every morning trying to get a reading. I even returned my first one after a month, thinking this was a fluke, but my second one does the exact same thing. I want my old original Index scale back! (It unfortunately shattered earlier this year). 

  • When you're not using your scale, how is it being stored? There have been many reports where if the scale is stored vertically, they wait can be off by the weight of the scale. Discussed here - (+) Scale not accounting for it own weight? - Index S2 Smart Scale - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums