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Why does the scale need to be connected to the internet?

It is a real shame. The S2 scale is beautiful, but I cannot fathom why I have to have it hooked up to the internet to obtain my weight. Unfortunately, I feel as though this is an unnecessary overreach when it comes to personal information. Notwithstanding the intrusive questions about your name, date of birth, height, and weight. Why not just ask for our mother's maiden name, bank account information, a retinal scan, and our fingerprints. 

I could understand hooking up on occasion for a software update, although it mystifies me why you would need to update the software on a scale that you use to weigh yourself.

I gave up. I turned the scale off. I am removing the batteries, and then I am going to clean the unit. I will return it to the store. Nice job on being hyper-intrusive Garmin. It is unfortunate because I truly thought it was a nice product, but I do not trust your motives in data mining. 

  • In short its for convenience. When linked to the internet and to your Garmin Connect app it will update your weight in the app, which then feeds into the data being captured during workouts e.g. you burn more or less calories when carrying more or less weight. There is no conspiracy to mine your data, its a tool to help serious trainers track the most accurate data and make performance related decisions with a holistic view of their metrics