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I'm not buying a Garmin scale

Dear Garmin,

I, and many others like me, will NEVER buy a Garmin scale. We've already paid enough for our watches. And if you don't open up the app to sync weight, I will just find other ways to accomplish that.

So how about you win some great customer good will and open up the connect app to be able to easily sync weight data from other apps.



  • if you don't open up the app to sync weight

    Never had problems with that. Does your wifi is set correct ? 2,4GHz, not hidden, password specs etc ?

  • So how about you win some great customer good will and open up the connect app to be able to easily sync weight data from other apps.

    You can sync the weight automatically for example from the MyFitnessPal app. And that app can be linked with some other apps, and scales, so it can forward the weight from other sources.

  • I have tried this path and it doesn't work. It only sync calories and will not sync weight. And even if that is the case, to have to go through a third party source to get the data into Garmin Connect is showing that Garmin is not willingly opening their platform to receive weight from other sources in an attempt to get people to buy their own scale.

  • I have tried this path and it doesn't work. It only sync calories and will not sync weight

    Strange, it always worked for me (though, I do not use MFP anymore now), and I do know that many others use it for syncing the weight even with scales from other manufacturers

    The only other solution we can offer you, here on the user forum, is importing the data with the help of a CSV file. I think there are also some other 3rd party apps for syncing the weight, but do not remember their names - I recommend searching the forum archive, or trying google.

    Other than that, you can suggest Garmin to allow easier import of data from 3rd party devices or apps through the form Share Ideas | Garmin, but frankly told I do not believe it would be in their interest. May be worth of trying anyway.

  • I'm all the time syncing my weight from a Withings scale to MyFitnessPal and from there to Garmin. Haven't have problems for some time (I remember some months ago there was a day when the sync didn't go through, but then it continued the next day).

  • Does MFP sync body fat % too (to the Connect app)?

  • You could try, there's still a few bugs but it's mostly working. It syncs from fitbit (which most smart scales seem to support). I also got sick of MFPs flaky implementation 

    Disclosure: I'm the dev 

  • Great - thanks for sharing that link

    Unfortunately, does not accept Garmin logins with TOTP (2FA).