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Bf for smart scale was pretty close

Just wanted to share some positivity on the scale. While many say it was dramatically off, for me it was within 2% of DEXA. Until I got the Garmin scale all other scales and measurements clocked me in anywhere between 13-15%. I always measured in the morning, empty stomach (having done a BM). I had tried the 3 site caliper test, navy tape, and Styku. This was the first scale to clock me in at 20% which was actually more consistent with what I saw in the mirror. Got a DEXA done today and it clocked me in at 18.2%. I also found a different estimate which aligned with DEXA called the Relative Fat Mass estimate. I plugged in my waist and height into a calculator like this one and it matched right up with what DEXA and the Garmin scale said. also made sure to be on an empty stomach, no extra water before the DEXA scan since I've read that can bias the muscle mass. Overall I'm satisfied with the number Garmin gave and will plug in the recent DEXA scan to make it more precise.