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first weigh in of the the days wrong by at least 2 pounds ( 1 KG )

not sure if the scale doesn't like the cold winter weather but by now every morning the first weigh in is wrong by at least 1KG , if not more it usually undershoots and its drives me nuts since its not the fastest with weigh in in the first place 

I did a full reset of the scale no change , I know the scale is useless for every other measurement but man could it at least get the weight right 

  • When you tap the scale to turn it on, does it show 0.0 Kg before you jump on it?

    I don't think other measurements are useless. It think it is very useful to check tendencies. 

    See here, I've been working hard to loose weight but also increase my body hydration level.  I can see that I am loosing body fat but also muscular mass thing that I need to correct.  I don't really care about the accuracy of the numbers themaelves but more about the tendencies

  • How are you storing the scale in between weigh-ins. If you store it vertically and not flat, this can cause the scale to initially be off by the weight of the scale itself, as mentioned here - Scale not accounting for it own weight?

    I find the weight measurements to be reliable as long as the scale is stored horizontally. If that's not the case for you even after verifying, then suggest this is a hardware issue that should be addressed by Garmin Support.