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Body Fat % Innaccurate

Why is the body fat % on my new Garmin Index S2 scale way off?  I'm 6 ft tall, waist measurement is 37", hips me as measurement is 40".  My brother says I'm built like a free safety in the NFL.  I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and 5 miles the day before that with a shoulder and ab workout.  Does this sound like a person who is overweight, bordering on obese, according to body fat % charts?  

  • You have the option to set your body fat percentage within Garmin Connect Web. You can use a trusted source or just your best estimate. Then from that point forward, the numbers will be much more accurate...

    Set Body Composition
    If you would like to update the reference values for the body composition metrics measured by your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale, you can do so using the Set Body Composition setting. We recommend only updating these values using recent measurements from a trusted source, such as a DXA scan or another reputable body composition measurement.

    Once you enter new values for these body composition metrics and save your changes, these values will be used as reference points for estimating new metrics each time you weigh yourself with your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale.