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Wifi problem and not sync

Bought new from Amazon black Friday.

It not connected to WiFi or not syncing 

I reset it, reinstall connect, change router type, change WiFi networks, change WiFi parameters ........ and I try all suggestions on Garmin site.

I my about 20-30 times,  to various attempts, scale 2, work 2 or 3 times, it updated it's software, and at the same, not sync or not connected to WiFi.

Dear Garmin, upgrade this hardware!

Waiting for scale 3

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  •  I wonder if its the WINC3400 Microchip device on there, it can be faulty.

  • I have the same problem since a year and Garmin not solves the WiFi issue… it’s impossible to connect my index S2 to any WiFi device/rouyer in my house or outside my house.

  • Did it connect at any point since you owned it? Did you buy. It new?

  • I bought a new Index S2 more than a year ago and I had problems to connect it and update the firmware to 3.11 as it was impossible from my home. I was able to connect it at a neighbour's house and update it to v3.11 there and worked for several months without problems with my Wifi.

    From one day to the next my Index S2 was disconnected and it was impossible to connect it to the same Wifi AP, so I contacted Garmin support. We did all the tests over the phone, but it couldn't connect, so they decided to replace it with a new one.

    I sent my Index S2 and received a new Index S2, but this model, I have never been able to connect it to my wifi AP, it even came with version 3.11 of the software.

  • I really don't know what Garmin does to muck up WiFi connectivity, with basically all of their devices. You can pretty much buy any $5 piece of Chinese-made crap, and it will connect just fine to WiFi under almost any circumstances. It's just Garmin who fo some reason cannot seem to be able to get their act together. 

    After this introductory rant, here is what I found that can help to some degree:

    • Make sure the name of you access point only contains letters and numbers.
    • Make sure the SSID of your access point is reasonably short. I got increased reliability from my scale by shortening the SSID to only 12 characters.
    • Make sure the WiFi password is reasonably short, too. Again, things improved for me after shortening mine

    And, yes, the above deserve a hearty "WTF"... Anyhow, with these tweaks my scale now connects most of the time. That it does not do so reliably every single time is still a scandal. Heck, how hard can it be to connect to a WiFi network and send a couple of bytes to a server?

  • It would be nice if Garmin coud replay on here if they are having WIC3400 model problems,this would help isolate their code from the module. I've seen them have corrupt data.

  • I just bought a new s2, and after connecting it via the iOS GC app, it just trying to sync, or looks like it. I’ve seen it restart, and then just continue to spin the icon up in the left next to the Bluetooth icon.

    WiFi issue?

  • If you followed my suggestions above regarding the setup of your WiFi access point, you may just have to retry several times, including removing the batteries in your scale and/or resettting it to factory state. This is what I had to do, too, when I first received the scale. The thing just seems to have a piss-poor WiFi stack. Even now mine has trouble connecting at times, despite being on a Gigabit network with a fast new router. Oh, and the scale is just overall not very reliable. Yesterday mine just randomly decided that my weight went up by five pounds (compared to a trusty "dumb scale" I still have around), and I had to re-weigh myself several times before the S2 returned to reason. Oh well...

  • Thanks, yes I did like that.

    created an other network, used just letters as ssid, and an easy password. But the scale can’t connect. If use the usual network with a more complex ssid, and password. It connects, but nothing happens. I have reset the scale, trying to manually trigger an update, nothing changes.

    this is ridiculous Slight smile

    I never thought a new Garmin product and a modern new WiFi network would be like this.

  • I’ve been trying for hours now, resetting, hard reboot to trigger manual update, 3 different networks and so on and so on.

    a brand new Garmin product is a paper weight..