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Garmin Index S2 from Amazon / Garmin Support

I purchased a Index S2 from and it arrived.  Like others it failed to fully register with Garmin Connect (2 different devices, bluetooth was fine but no joy).  I just wanted to share the official response of a chat I had with Garmin Support:

"So Amazon has a select number of these scales with serial numbers that are not in our system. With that being said, this device will not pair. Unfortunately, it will need to be returned"

to which I challenged:

"? how can Garmin makes scales, with serial numbers, that are not in your system?  amazon didn't make them - they're a reseller!"

"Garmin made the scales and assigned the serial numbers - what does this have to do with Amazon?"

to which the response was:

"I cannot activate the serial number, it simply will not ever pair. It can be returned or exchanged. Those are the options"

"I can exchange it for you, but if we exchange it through us, and you decide you do not like the scale, it cannot be returned to amazon for a refund"

So there you have it - never going to work according to this support person as they cannot see the serial number to wipe/unpair it.

Makes ZERO sense to me, but I did push and say "I know you have a script to follow, but this is just an incomplete or untrue statement".

I'm going to escalate in support - see if I can get a more factual response.

  • As a final update - Garmin did send me a brand new Index S2 that worked first time out of the box.  However, they just ignored my asks for a reason “why” from the above that makes sense.