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Sync problems with myfitnesspal after firmware update

Since firmwareupdate,my weight from the scale not synched anymore with myfitnesspal.

It is correctly uploaded tot garmin connect and manually added weights to connect do synch with myfitnesspal.

I've contacted mfp, but they don't see any problems on their side. 

Tried relinking accounts, reconnecting scale to wifi but not helping.

synching works with manual addes weights. so must be something else?

Anyone else using scale and myfitnesspal, and having same problem?

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  • Same for me; I didn't even know there was a firmware update but the last time the scales data was synced to Myfitnesspal was on October 18. All other data from Garmin is entered into Myfitnesspal, so clearly the apps are linked and the weight details from the scale show in the Connect App and Web interface, so the scales sync too to Garmin. 

    I tried relinking the accounts, but nothing helps. IMO the weight information is not pushed to Myfitnesspal, please investigate and escalate as it looks everywhere else in the forum Garmin customers are having problems too syncing with Myfitnesspal.


    Garmin is aware of this issue. I contacted Garmin Support via email on November 10 regarding this issue.

    Since 10/10/23, my weight from the Index S2 stopped syncing to MyFitnessPal from Garmin Connect. All other metrics, such as activities and calories burned are syncing without a problem. The only workaround is to enter my weight manually into Garmin Connect, then it syncs without issue.

    I received the following response from Garmin Product Support on the same day:

    Thank you for checking back in on the status of this issue. I can confirm that you have been added to this ticket we have open with MyFitnessPal. We're still working adamantly to resolve this issue and appreciate your patience during this time.

    Thank you for choosing Garmin,

    Product Support
    Garmin International

  •  & 

    It looks like this has been fixed. I received an email from Garmin Product Support today


    We're following up on the report we received that after weighing on your Index scale, your weight information wasn't added to your linked MyFitnessPal account. We're pleased to report that this issue has been resolved and future weight measurements will be added to the account.

    Indeed, I checked MFP and there is now a weight measurement for today that synced from Index S2 to Garmin Connect to MFP.

  • Yes working here as well!