Registered 3 users: me (administrator), my wife and my son.
Only me and my wife have complete data (wight, fat, water, muscles, bones), my sone has only wieght. Also guests have only weight.
Registered 3 users: me (administrator), my wife and my son.
Only me and my wife have complete data (wight, fat, water, muscles, bones), my sone has only wieght. Also guests have only weight.
Have you checked that they have advanced body metrics enabled and checked on their Garmin accounts? I believe that after the user's first weigh-in, they should see these options in Garmin Connect.
Also, guest users only get their weight and the weather, as Garmin would need to know more about them based on their Garmin account information.
Where are these settings?
Found them, they are all on and I can't change status ("Save" button doesn't highlights)
Thank, read previous answer
I can't change status
Are you logged into your son's Garmin Account?
Yes, I log into his account, I can change Advanced body metrics settings on/of but "Save settings" button doesn't work, I can't click it.
He hasn't any Garmin devices
Ok, tryed again and "Save" button worked.
Now it says to sync Index S2 with Garmin Connect on the phone, but he has no smartphone!
Now it says to sync Index S2 with Garmin Connect
If you're seeing "Changes saved. Please sync your device now." That is not needed for the scale. I just tested by removing then adding my wife again. She doesn't have the app installed, only accesses Garmin Connect Web. Everything was updated on the scale without syncing, since it's connected to wi-fi. She can select her initials on the scale and gets all of the metrics.