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Updating and entering a manual body fat percentage has made the measurement worse!

Former Member
Former Member

I have completed the update as specified in the email I received, and I’ve input my body fat percentage into the Garmin connect app. I assumed this would bring my body fat percentage as measured by the scales more in line with other measurements, but it has made it worse. 

For info, I’m a 40 year old woman and the S2 routinely measures my bf% to be 33%. I entered a value I know to be more accurate - 27% - expecting the measurement of the S2 to come down to nearer that value, but this morning my S2 is measuring me at 35% bf.

Can someone at Garmin please explain why your update has made the body fat measurement even less accurate??

  • Repost it here.

    After some days checking the values given by the scale after the update I can say that It still gives impossible values.

    Now it's way off by a 5% a bit less than before but the worst thing is that if you change the age now it barely changes the BF% but it changes values in  Bone mass and Muscle mass.

    If any1 in Garmin want to check, I post today results.

    6:34a.m. Real Age 50.

    BF17.8% Muscle 33.4kg Water 60% Bone 4.9

    6.35a.m. Age set to 17.

    BF17.4% Muscle 36.4 Water 60.3% Bone 5.9

    So with similar BF and water I win 3kg of Muscle and 1 kg of Bone. Same weight.

    Tanita data 6.38 a.m.

    Same weight. BF12.3% Muscle 65.8kg Bone 3.5kg.

    Nothing more to say. Bf adjusted last two days in Garmin Connect with tanita values.

    Index2 bought in March 2021. A week after that posted here the comparison values.

    Contacted Garmin. Nothing changed.

     Kevin contacted me in September after many posts here. 

    Not fixed in Januany(almost February) 2023

  • RD545. But i have to say that after the last update and entering the BF value given by the tanita...right now the index2 and tanita give me similar results.

  • понял.  у меня bc545

  • I have the same issue. After update and entering exact body fat measured with another method I get worse result than before. I have a BF of 11,5 - 12 % but, a high BMI because of muscle. I entered 11,8 BF in the app. Before the update Garmin Smart Scale S2 measured 14-16 % BF so the error was about 3%. Now eventhough I entered 11,8 % in the App, the scale measures 20% body fat.