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Scale not accounting for it own weight?


We store our index scale 2 on its side when not in use as we are limited on floor space in the bathroom. I seems to sense when it is being moved and turns itself on, by the time I get it on the floor it has already zeroed out. If I weigh myself I am always about 1.8kg more than expected.

If i then pick up the scale, keep it horizontal and then put it back down I can get it to zero itself again and this time account for the weight of the scale. If i then weigh myself I consistently get the correct weight. While this is not the worst thing to have to deal with in the world, it is rather annoying. 

Any ideas what I can do (other than keep it in the same place) to get a consistent weight first time?


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  • Any way to find a horizontal position, such as under the sink, or on a shelf?

  • Unfortunelly no, we are limited on space. If anyone else can try placing the scale vertically and then weighing themselves a few times it would help me identify if this is a design problem or an issue with my scales

  • Sure. I'll give it a go.

  • What about when you first put it down on the floor you tap it to wake it up, let it go back to sleep, then wake it up again and weigh yourself?

  • If anyone else can try placing the scale vertically and then weighing themselves a few times it would help me identify if this is a design problem or an issue with my scales

    I did this test. Last night I set the scale vertically. This morning I placed the scale horizontally, then as soon as it was ready, I weighed myself. You can see that my weight jumped 4.5 lbs. (2 kg) higher than it should be. I then let the scale zero out again, then it went back to the expected weight. 

    And you are correct about it being off by the scale's own weight. I weighed the scale, and it came out to 2 kg

    I think  has your best answer...

    What about when you first put it down on the floor you tap it to wake it up, let it go back to sleep, then wake it up again and weigh yourself?
  •  and  when you first put it down on the floor you tap it to wake it up, let it go back to sleep, then wake it up again and weigh yourself?  

  • I'm not having this issue, since I don't typically store my scale vertically, but I can replicate it. Your fix as also mentioned by should work fine.

  • I'm having this issue since the latest update. I do store horizontally. Multiple weigh-ins no difference, letting it sync and go to sleep, no change, and my old dumb-scale reports the correct weight, S2 +- 2kg over...

  • Yeah, the above works and taking these steps resolves the issue.

    However, I think it's something of an oversight for a scale to not account for its own weight. Its not like this is garmin's first go at doing this, this is the Scale 2!

    Let's say you own an old car and then splash out on a new BMW. On your first drive you discover that the car cannot turn left but rather than fixing it, BMW are happy for you to make 3 right turns everything you want to got left. sure, it kinda works but its difficult to say that your new purchase lives up to your dreams.