The S2 body fat percentage is inconsistent with itself. Can you please update the firmware and stop using factors like "age" and "activity level" to determine a physical measurement like body fat? The body fat was never going to be correct because body fat is notoriously hard to measure however the Garmin system makes this even more frustrating by being inconsistent with itself.
For example after a few months of usage garmin was recording my body fat in the 13-14% range... then an error happened with the scale and I had to reset it. Now it's tellling me 18%. I didn't magically add 5% body fat over night. Please fix the algorithm.
Attached is a screenshot from my app where you can see the body fat reading jump.
I know you're going to say the scale "has to get to know me" but thing about that statement. The scale shooting an electrical current through me and factoring in my height, this should be consistent with itself. This should not factor in "age", "activity level" or "getting to know me".
The only value I get out of this extremely expensive scale is that it automatically puts my mass in the app and this is the only way to do it. I would not recommend this scale for any other purpose.