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S2 Weight Scale accuracy

Is anyone happy with their scale and the accuracy?  I like the idea of syncing with Garmin Connect, but not if it's inaccurate!  thanks!

  • I think the weight is accurate. Everything else seems to be a gimmick, but I like the fact that the weight measurements transfer to my Garmin Connect every day. It's a lot of money for a wi-fi dongle, but it does a good job of that.

  • My weight seems to fluctuate alot with these scales. I started at 81.6 and then tracked down to what my Tanita scales shows around 79.2. A week later, I am back up to 82kg. Not much confidence in the scales at the moment. If after a few weeks it doesn't improve they are going back.

  • I weight myself in the morning and evening. The weight fluctuates between 1-1.5 kg. For example,



    70.0 kg / 71.1 kg


    72.1 kg / 72.4 kg

    I read that 2kg difference within same day is normal (pending on many external factors).

  • After I got my S2 last year I used it for several weeks in parallel to my Xiaomi MiScale (the simple one which only measures weight). When I remember correctly they were within 0.1 kg all the time. If I find the time I will dive into the data and do some statistics.

    So I have no concerns regarding accuracy of the weight measurement of the S2.

  • Weight measurement seems very good on my Index S2. BMI is also fine (as that's just based on a simple height/weight calculation).

    The body composition measurements are nonsensical and useless.

    But other than that, it's a great scale, and as far as I know it's the only one that syncs with Connect (other than Index 1, of course). Very useful if you're a Garmin watch user, because it will automagically keep your body weight values updated in your watch, making sure your calorie burn and other metrics stay accurate as your body weight changes.

  • I made a test of the scale. I wonder if it might have some glitches from time to time. See the photo below. I lost and gained 2.2 kg within 8 minutes.