Does anyone have a positive experience with the Bounce?

I'm looking to buy a smart watch for our son for his birthday. If the Bounce works as advertised, it seems like it would be perfect... but the reviews are overwhelmingly negative. It's hard to believe Garmin would put out such a problematic product. I'm hoping the people with positive experiences just aren't posting about them... anyone out there?

  • We bought one Garmin Bounce for my son. Worst watch ever! Very disappointing. Invested a lot of money and my son broke the screen in a couple of months. If this is supposed to be a children's watch, why is not the screen scratch and impact resistant? Location and tracking works hit and miss. The battery life is bad, the watch does not even last 24hours charged. I expected more for this brand.

  • We bought one Garmin Bounce for my son. Worst watch ever! Very disappointing. Invested a lot of money and my son broke the screen in a couple of months. If this is supposed to be a children's watch, why is not the screen scratch and impact resistant? Location and tracking works hit and miss. The battery life is bad, the watch does not even last 24hours charged. I expected more for this brand.