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School Mode Sync Issue

When the Bounce goes into school mode it seems like it is impossible to get it out of school mode other than waiting for the schedule to run out. Is there a way to sync the bounce after school mode is disabled from the app but while it is still enabled on the Bounce? This seems like a bug unless I'm missing something.

Another school mode related issue, but this is more a feature request, please add the ability to have multiple schedules for school mode. This would be helpful for weekend activities that don't follow the usual school schedule but still require a focus mode.


  • Agree. We have run into the same school mode issue. On spring break and unable to turn off school mode on watch when it’s off on the app.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 1 year ago

    Facing this issue on Labor Day. Why in the world does the watch not sync on restart? Come on programmers.  I turned off school mode and tried changing the schedule. The watch is bound and determined to stay in school mode for the next 4 hours. Things like this shouldn’t be that hard. Do better. 

  • Not to zombify an old thread, but as of update 7.40 this is still an issue and I found this thread because of that. However, I think I've found a workaround. From the Garmin Jr. app, removing and reinstalling watch faces seems to force a sync much faster. I found it may take a couple of times doing this for the sync to go through, but it seems more reliable than waiting for whenever the watch decides to sync. It would be nicer to have a dedicated sync button in the app settings and the geofence idea sounds good as well!