Varia RTL515 resets to default mode after detection

For a couple of weeks, or it could be since the last firmware came out a few months ago, I've had this annoying battery draining bug with my Varia. It's coupled to an Edge 1040 Solar (using the last beta firmware to date), by the way. I usually set it on daily flash mode (random flashing but quick and intense when cars approach), but it now seems to switch back to default continuous lighting mode as soon as the first detection has occurred.

Is this a known bug ? Am I the only one experiencing this ? How can it be fixed ?

  • This has been a problem FOREVER.  It doesn't remember the mode.  Also, touching the power button will change the mode as well.  I constantly reset the mode and make sure it's correct before starting a ride.  I asked about the same thing three years ago.  

    Also, if the Garmin Edge goes enters sleep mode and comes back, the modes get out-of-sync.