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Which is the best Varia setting to minimise edge battery drain?

I have a Varia 515 and edge 1030. Battery drain on the edge is significant. I'm trying to find out which is the best setting to minimise this battery drain.

Which setting do you find best?

Auto? Peleton? Individual?...there are so many to choose from and so little information. Garmin support chat could offer no help!

  • Those are light settings and I'm not sure how it negatively affects the Edge battery life  I'd say the more radar alerts, the more Edge battery load?  More beeping = more battery?

  • There is a difference in between a battery drain and a battery drain and a battery drain ... ;)

    It happened to me as well, that I left the Garmin entire ecosystem (Edge 1030+800+515) "ON" after a ride - or after a recharge... assuming it will go to "sleep" during inactivity, but all drained for a next morning.

    In the beginning I didn't realize what is a difference between "going to sleep" and/or putting it into "StandBy" - with a button from a left side... or call that function whatever, next time I need to read it with my glasses on.

    My last ride was back somewhere in Nov, I put the Edge into that Standby, and charge it two times in tree months, when I call it up with that left side button initializing the light network and the batteries still holding up. Left button again to put him into sleep - or standby - or whatever to call it