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Varia radar and 1040: Possible to send alert tones through iPhone/shokz headphones?

I’ve had a 1040 with Varia headlight and RTL515 for nearly a year now and I love them. Radar is a game-changer and I don’t like riding without it now. I recently tried riding with shokz bone-conducting headphones, and was surprised to suddenly hear a voice from my 1040 reading off lap times. This got me wondering if I could also send alert tones from radar through the Connect app to my phone/headphones - but there doesn’t seem to be any easy way to do this? 

I’ve seen some discussions online about using the Varia phone app for this - but I don’t want to replace the 1040 with my phone OR disable the connection between the taillight and the 1040 to pair the former with my phone (which I keep in my jersey pocket while riding).

ideally l could keep everything the way it is and just supplement the 1040’s alert tones by *also* having them fed through headphones similar to the way the vocal performance stats are.