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Varia Mobile App - Improvement Request

The current Varia App only allows the management/configuration for a single Varia Radar device. As the owner of both RTL515 and a RCT715, each time I switch between bikes/Varias I have to delete the device pairing in the Varia Mobile app and re-pair the radar I'm riding with to get real-time alerts. This seems unnecessary. The Connect App (and ConnectIQ) can manage multiple devices, the Varia app should also do the same. 

Just to clarify - This isn't a request to pair and use multiple Radars at once.

I'd like the app to remember both (or more!) radar devices and pair to the unit that is switched on / in use. 

  • Is this the right way to address feedback? I would have some other suggestions too...

    - Dots on my screen on the left or right depending which side the vehicles are approaching, now when I ride beside the main road on a parallel bike path, I get them on the left but the cars are on the right (in Switzerland there are many bike roads parallel)?!
    - Small vs bigger dots for bikes, cars or trucks?

  • I spent some time in a rural area where I had to spend a good deal of time on a frontage road along an interstate to get you a decent riding.   That was the only time I have ever found the Varia to be less than helpful.  The thing was going off constantly from cars passing on the highway.     I wish there were a way to address this, but I understand that there isn’t much that can be done.

  • Here's my product improvement suggestion for exactly that scenario: