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Can you PLEASE make the Varia Radars work with other activities than cycling? - Forerunner 945

 I know that this has been posted before - but it is more than 3 years ago.

I would like to use my Varia RTL516 Radar in other activities than cykling - e.g. when doing rollerskies (XC_Skate) I would be nice to be alterted for cars.

  • are you sure it is going to work? your moving ass from side to side, or pointing it to the sky would not help its narrow beam reliable track cars.

  • I back this request.

    Before the recent introduction of the built-in inline skating activity, I used a clone of "cycling" on my Enduro 2 for inline skating. With the Varia 715 mounted on my backpack the swinging wasn't bad, so both the radar and the camera worked well, and I found it useful.

    It would be great to have this functionality supported for inline skating, XC skiing, running etc.