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Did I mount this RTL515 correctly?

Just got my Varia 515 and mounted best I could (I think). A couple of issues/questions please. 

1) I had to use the larger band to wrap the mount around my S-Works seat post. Was not difficult to install but does not appear to be very secure and not as tight to the post as I would have imagined. I have other rubber bands from Edge mounts that are a little smaller but are not as thick as what came with the Varia. Am I missing something to make this more secure? 

2) When I put the light/radar on there is a slight upward angle. If I mount the other way it angles down considerably. As the picture shows the way I have it mounted the "hooks" on the rubber insert are on the bottom. Is this correct? 

I have read many different mounting posts but I think I will be fine on the seat post under my small bag. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

  • Looks ok. the light should be vertical, around 90 deg to the road. In the position you have it though the saddlebag will likely turn the light off. 

    I do normally double up with two small bands in the slots for a bit of extra security rather than the larger ones. It depends on the seat post diameter though

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    no no no!... is wrong!... cannot be mounted on S-Works seat posts!... only on Truvativ Noir T40 like in the picture below!


    just kidding!... looks good!...mine even on a bumpy downhill stays put. I am with @hotdogpartysausage... be careful at the button clearance.

    off topics.... year ago I dropped the saddle bags... just because I use the AssSaver under the saddle, and sometimes a GoPro.

    Specialized has some nice tools solutions on the bottle cage.

    I use now the 76project "piggy on board storage with zip bag" 

    have a good one!
