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Rtl 515 and ut800 Do not bild a light network.

tried all the variations in the threads below. When i add radar as a light, it Kicks the ut800 from the network, in the battery Symbol both lights show a question Mark?

Whats my mi take.

I have an edge 830


  • I have exactly the same issue - very frustrating. I've tried following all the various combinations including adding each device separately, adding them at the same time, adding the RTL515 as a light or as a radar. They seem to work if only one device is added but not both.

    I also have an Edge 830.

  • Its crazy. It Once built a network yesterday, After several attempts.

    I switched the edge off and everything was lost again...

    Is anyone from garmin reading These Forums?

  • Not sure if Garmin read these - I'm going to try calling support today to see what they say.

  • I called Garmin support today and they have raised a ticket to investigate with the developers.

  • Thanks a lot.

    I had a call with the German Support. Total ignorant and no help at all.

  • I'm having very similar issues except the RTL515 is light pairing is NOT an option on my Edge830.  The UT800 light and RTL515 radar channel are both paired, but RTL515 light channel is non-existent.  Even when I remove the 515 and then add Sensors using "search all" option.  

    Turning on my Edge830, the lighting network only forms with UT800.  Even with the blue light double flashing, the RTL515 radar will not auto connect.  It is not until I depress the power button which fires up the torch with the radar eventually getting recognized by the Edge830.  

    As others have described, it's as if only one light channel can be paired and controlled by the Edge830.   It also seems there is something off with the auto detect with the RTL515 in standby mode.  

    Software versions:  

    Edge 830 - 5.51 (beta)

    RTL515 - 3.20 (current) 

    UT800 - 2.40 (current)

  • My setup -

    Edge 1030 Plus



    The first day everything setup correctly; however, next day after restarting the computer, I saw the same issue. Tried call combinations - light, radar, adding them one by one, together, etc. tried on/off combinations as well - before each other, together, etc.

    Finally after 4 hours, got them working again - no idea how. The only thing I know is that now I don’t switch them off; instead I put my computer in sleep mode and when it wakes up, everything works again. What I’ve read is that if they stop working, I should, next time, switch on the lights and radar first before waking up the device.

    I bought this entire setup 1 week back and I’m thoroughly disappointed. Such a waste of time and money.

  • Me too!

    I tried it so many Times that the ut800 had to be recharged! Now it works but i dont know how to reproduce the procedure.

    I guess i have to stay in sleep mode all the time!

  • So i woke up my 1030 plus today.. ligts + radar were sleeping overnight.. and same issue... spent another hour figuring it out and it suddenly started working again.

    Another thing I have started noticing (within a week of buying this setup) is that my radar keeps disconnecting and connecting while I'm riding... 

  • I have read your Post and tried it immediately. Lost  the radar connections, but not the light network.

    Added the radar Once again and it works.

    I dont know what will Happen the next time i switch it on.

    Like a lottery.