Constant recording of 30 second clips even when Recording Mode is set to During Radar Activity

RCT715, recently purchased, firmware 5.10, using Android app version 3.2.0

Radar is working ok while riding, as I'm getting notifications on the Android app.  But the camera runs all the time, as if it's in Continuous Mode,

My rides are always rural, with approaching cars only appearing many minutes apart.  I would expect a collection of a few dozen videos after a ride but instead I get hundreds of videos of nothing happening behind me.

  • Seconded.  Im experiencing the same issue, except mine are 1 minute videos.

  • Hello, and thanks for reaching out!

    I'd like to gather more details about your experience and device settings. If you have experienced the Varia RCT715 recording video differently than expected, please reply with your consent for Garmin to reach out to you via email.

  • Hello

    I’m experincing exactly the same. Even after selecting « film only when véhicules approaching », and riding in rural configuration, i get many vidéos with nothing behind  me

  • @Salvinou and @2724274. Garmin explained to me that it is working normally.  Still seems odd.

    I ran some controlled experiments by having a friend drive toward me on a desolate road with no other traffic.  So there is only one vehicle approaching and passing. 

    It appeared to me that the unit runs a continuous 30 second cycle.  If no vehicle appears during that interval then nothing is recorded and saved.  If a vehicle appears, say 15 seconds into that cycle, recording starts and runs for the remaining 15 seconds, saving a 15 second video. It then records for another 30 seconds, saving a second video, this time for the full 30 seconds.  Then it starts a third video. At 15 seconds in to this third video the one minute timer that started when the vehicle first appeared times out and stops recording, leaving a short, 15 second video.  The three videos span the 60 seconds.

    If the vehicle that started this whole process passed out of view within the first 15 seconds and there was no vehicle behind it (a common occurrence on rural roads) then you when you download the videos you'll see one clip with a car in it followed by two more clips with nothing but empty road.

    Review your recordings, paying close attention to the time stamps, to see when each clip starts, how long it runs, and when the next clip starts.  It's really hard to make sense of what's happening if you just review the recordings after a normal ride because you have no control over the timing and appearance of random traffic.

    Maybe the Garmin guys will chime in on this.


  • Thank you for your explanations. i' ll review my vidéo.

    I expect a tuto for Garmin as many users are confused. It should be more compréhensive with short vidéos and comments.

  • check out our RCT715 camera recording mode guide here: Varia RCT715 Camera Recording Features

    Continuous recording mode is generally recommended to handle a variety of riding circumstances.
    On Radar Activity is best suited to rural roads where traffic is scarce and can improve battery life, and may result in videos where no cars are present (after a single vehicle has passed).

    In general the most important feature is the default Incident Recording setting, switching the camera to continuous recording mode when an incident (crash) is detected. This is to ensure that the RCT715 is always recording when it suspects a potential incident.

    For video examples of what some of this footage looks like, I would recommend checking out the DCRainmaker review video from when the RCT715 was first released: Youtube - Garmin Varia Bike Camera Radar RCT715: In-Depth Review