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My Garmin Edge 1040 will not boot when the Varia RTC715 is on

For the last few times I have tried to use my Varia RTC715 and Garmin Edge 1040, the Garmin Edge 1040 will not boot and continues to recycle through the booting process. When I turn the Varia RTC715 off, the Garmin 1040 boots normally.

  • also did the remove the app, reinstall. also did the hard reset on the edge 1040 to start with a 'clean' 1040.

  • Do you have any other lights connected to the Edge.

  • no, just the varia rct715. i also tried removing the varia from the 1040, then adding it by seacrhing sensors and tried to add as a light rather than radar, but 1040 add sensor page wouldn't show it as a light just radar. (I tied this since somewhere i saw trying to add as light rather than radar)

    Here's what i'm thinking, trying to update from 4.4 to 5.1 in one step is causing the issue, too big a jump in versions, and factor in the (always) buggy garmin software it is my only conclusion.

  • Try doing a hard reset of the RCT. With it powered on hold the power button down for around 20  seconds. You will need to add it back to the Edge after doing this,

  • doing it now, so far, same steps and results as before. but this time i am waiting longer with the varia after it went tru all the blinking leds, and now sitting there with blue doble fast flash every 5 seconds (same as before) but am waiting longer before i turn it back on. the iphone varia app is still showing firmware update in progress and the spinning pacifier going on.

  • ok, still no dice. varia app shows still at 4.40 and "new version available" gonna try doing hard reset on varia and then try updating thru desktop garmin express. what i would give to just be able to do a 'flash' of the firmware files directly into the varia!

  • that didn't work either. so i tried removing the other sensors on the 1040 (HRM, Vector 3power) turned off 1040, turned back on to verify that they were gone, then added varia (search all sensors, finds radar and added it).  varia shows up fine, then the 1040 goes into the never ending loop of restarting, going off then restarting. if i turn off the varia or never add it to the 1040, the 1040 works fine. i'm at a loss to what to do. guess i will go back to using the old varia515. i really appreciate your help and curious as to who you are and if you experienced same.

  • I updated the RTC715 to version 5.10 using the phone app and now my 1040 syncs with the unit and all appears to be working.

  • well, you had much better luck than me. i've been in this loop for 2 days now and would give nearly anything to get it running

  • OK, so I had the same is as mr.jr...looping 1040 after trying to install new RCT715...only mine was because I had already registered a RCT715's battery had died, long story short but I couldn't return it so got a new one...some things i learned:

    Charge that sucker fully before trying anything!

    Don't try hook up it up to the 1040 just yet, just remove all other RCT devices that you may have had before eg another Radar/Radar Light...see earlier comment

    Don't plug into your laptop to registered on Garmin Express just yet, first use the Varia App first to connect to the new RCT...BUT if you had a RCT registered on the Varia App, delete it first, otherwise Varia app will not see the new RCT....again earlier comment!

    After you have cleared all previous devices from Varia App, connect by pairing the new RCT to the app in the usual way, the app will register it and then offer you to update....once the update is transferred to the new RCT, it will go into various flashing modes of green and blue...leave it alone, it takes an unusually long time (hence good charge needed), go have a cup of tea! After 2 teas, come back and the RCT will be off...fully...start it up and it will hook back up to the Varia App again, and you will see that the version is updated and you can go ahead and personalise all the Camera settings etc etc.

    THEN, connect to laptop and Garmin Express....

    THEN connect to 1040 by setting it into pairing mode and going to Setting menu and Sensors, I always start with LIGHTS/ADD SENSOR and it picks up both LIGHT and RADAR....

    Hope this helps for you...

    PS this is my third RCT 715...both first and second battery had issues, not charging, first one was inside warranty and replaced, second one just outside...go figure!! But the RCT 715 is a great tool and I felt naked without one for a few days so bit the bullet and got a new one, hope it lasts longer that the other 2!!!