Bump. Anyone? I too find positional information to be hit and miss. Perhaps 1 in 10 rides it is properly bookkept but mostly zero time for both sitting and standing. Occasionally random numbers. Not a big deal but if there is an easy fix or explanation it would be much appreciated!
It should be an easily fixable issue with some updates, the problem is that it's been a long time since one came out. I'm afraid that no more updates will come out
That it works at all has me wondering if it's not the head unit (Edge 840) or Connect? I will elevate to customer support on the off chance this is on someone's radar.
FWIW, Garmin says this is a personal problem as there are no widespread complaints regarding this issue. I will unpair pedals and pair again next ride. Maybe throw a reboot or 2 in as well across devices.
in case keep me updated
I have had one or two isolated cases of null Position values either for a whole ride or part of a ride. It seems to work for me but I have not dove into the data to look at past rides. I am troubleshooting another issue now and will report if I find any trends.
Add me to the list of people with this issue. I doubt Garmin's claim of this being "personal issue" isn't based on actual data. I suspect this issue has something to do with rider weight, with lighter riders seeing the issue more often. I'm 145 lb. Will keep trying to debug it.
I also weigh 140lb... and I continue to encounter the problem, sometimes it reports a few seconds and sometimes zero. only the first exit detected correct values, then nothing, I would not want it to be a hardware problem rather than a software one
another problem I encountered and that could be related is that after the first outing all the power values dropped by 60-70W. on the same climb before I was doing 280-300w now 200-220 maintaining the same times
So I have been trying various interventions with no success but what I have found is seated time appears to increment in real-time on the Edge 840 device. I added the cycling dynamics data screen to the activity profile and replaced the power phase fields at the bottom of the screen with seated time and standing time. And seated time moves in sync with the activity time. (I could not trigger standing time but this may be a separate issue.) So maybe this is a storage problem? The parameter is not being saved on the device and/or not transferred to Connect?