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Rally XC pedal service - nut stuck on axle!

Just serviced my XC100 (single sided) pedals. The black nut on the right, non sensing side I tightened with a torque wrench (reverse thread), but way before the recommended 10Nm the nut's thread is stripped and I can't tighten or loosen it! It's a stupidly thin nut for that sort of torque - and must be made of very soft metal!

I might be able to get a replacement nut, or retap the thread (if the axle is not stripped itself) but need to remove the axle and nut which is proving very difficult. Anyone done this and manage to get it off?

I've tried securing the axle and pulling out on pedal to put pressure on nut to try and back it off but no luck. I will give it another go - but thought I'd check here first.


    1. I have the same problem. XC200 right side nut was tightened to 10nm. Now it just spins in either direction without tightening or loosening. Big issue is that I can’t get it off. TI figured I could get a replacement but I can’t remove the nut at all so spindle is also stuck in place. Tried grabbing with needle nose players and exerting outward force while spinning  didn’t work. 
  • Unfortunately I couldn’t get the nut off or spindle out. My next step would have been the drill a small hole in the nut and hopefully be able to prise it off without damaging the spindle. But I tried contacting Garmin UK and did manage to get a replacement pedal under warranty. 

    They didn’t seem to really understand the issue but happy to get sorted under warranty since a dummy pedal body costs almost £200!! This whole business has really put me off the pedals. There are no spares available - so you can’t install new bearings for instance, or new axles. I hate having to rely on warranty - and of course warranty is only a year or two!

    Good luck.