Estimate power discrepancy post ride

So I just did a 90km race having had my bike serviced.... didn't think about pedals being retightened .... and forgot to recalibrate the pedals (Rally 100). Yes not too smart.

Realised shortly into race when my power readings were somewhat low compared to effort / speed.

Having recalibrated post race can I estimate what my correct power should have been? 

Calibration showed an adjustment of -2.56 torque, which I believe is Nm. And power = torque x rpm, using with an rpm of 88 (my avg during race) gives 23-24W. Would this be a reasonable approximation to adjust by? It would put me around what I feel it would have been for the results / RPE.

I'm probably oversimplifying here, would appreciate input from anyone with better knowledge. 


  • "Would this be a reasonable approximation to adjust by" NO, you cant calculate it from that number. But 2hs race is apprx 160TSS (if it was 2.5hs, then apprx 200TSS), if it was easier race then less with a few points, if it was harder , a bit more points (ofc, depending on was it flat or hilly race, sitting in the bunch on flat race with 45km/h is a recovery ride with 50-60TSS maximum for 2 hs... :D). Thats all. nobody will tell you what was your exact power numbers during the race . The power meter and the power values are most important for training, to hold (and be within ) the target (zone) and not during a race. 

  • Thanks - end result I was trying to get an idea of was TSS so that's helpful info. 

  • I also think that after pedals being retightened install angles should be reset, so the torque offset might not be sufficient anyway.