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Hello, on my road bike i have a QuarQ PM that reports 52% balance for the right leg.

So my rally XC100, mensure power on left leg and double it.

But left leg mensure just 48% of the total power.

In order to correct, can i adjust factor scale? and how?

  • You can, but power balance is not a constant it changes under load and fatigue. Scale factor defaults to 1.00 (100%), which is the means the pedal is reporting its true value. You can adjust that vale up or down.

  • The Quarq's balance is a fake balance, not a true one. (just try to pedal with one leg and see what will show the Quarq as 1s or 3s balance with datafield...) do not adjust the Rally, or buy similar powermeters for your ALL bikes and that will give you similar power values... (better to buy a dual/total power meter like Quarq / Power2Max but a dual pedal based system is also ok.)