So I’ve had my rally xc200 pedals since nov 21 on my gravel bike. Outside on gravel I don’t do a lot of rides based on power but like to look back and some of the data to get a sense of how my RPE matched up with my power.
inside I’ve had my road bike with Assiomas on them for a long time and use my elite direto. For the longest time I used powermatch in TrainerRoad with the Assiomas. At some point before a workout I forget to charge the pedals and needed to use my direto exclusively. After that I did a couple of tests comparing the power for same workout between the direto and the Assiomas. The numbers were very close and Assiomas have a pretty good track record for accuracy.
fast forward to the xc200s recently. So last weekend I did a long 5 hour gravel ride. Pretty steady pace. Felt pretty good and power numbers were pretty good for me for that amount of time. So I decided the test the xc200s against my elite direto. Put my pedals on, did a workout, and the xc200s were about 20 watts higher across the entire workout and for each interval compared the direto. Pedals were torqued appropriately. Calibrated. And angles reset. Only thing I didn’t do was calibrate the direto but that has rarely been an issue.
is this normal? I expect some power difference but 20 watts is a lot. Anybody else experience this? Of course I can solve this by always using the xc200s which is not a big deal but I think the 20 watt difference was a bit surprising to me.