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Rally 200 firmware update problems

I've tried updating the pedals to firmware 3.00 but it takes several minutes sending data to them and when the progress bar finishes(after at least 20 min) Garmin Connect tells me that the connection has lost and no updates will be saved. Minutes later when it seems the pedals restart and the connection is established again the update appears on Garmin Connect so I assume no update has been done.

I've tried 3 times and the result has been the same.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


  • The best I can tell from looking at the change logs is that 4.00 had an issue with not always correctly reporting the battery status. This was fixed in 4.10. Because the battery status in 4.00 was not always correct it was possible that the upgrade to 4.10 from 4.00 might fail if you did not put new batteries in first. This would leave the pedals in a state where they needed to be replaced by Garmin. (See thread on pedals with solid green LED).

    Going from 3.10 to 4.10 I assume would be OK, but that option is not currently available. 

    For anyone on 4.00 where there head unit has already pulled down 4.10 I would recommend putting new batteries in the pedals before accepting the update.

  • Thanks, that sounds pretty plausible. So I guess I'll have to wait for a 4.20 or something like that