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Two pairs of Garmin Rally XC200 squeaking when pedaling

Hi Guys, I thought I will share and ask if others have similar experience.
I bought Garmin Rally XC200 pedals at the end of May. After about two weeks and over 300 kilometers, I started to hear squeaking when pedaling. It was coming from the right pedal. Interestingly enough, the pedal squeaked only when clipped in on one side but not the other. It didn't seem to affect the power readouts but was really annoying.
I continued to ride with the squeaky pedal for another couple of hundred kilometers. Eventually, I ended up contacting Garmin customer support. They responded really fast and offered to replace my pedals. The whole process was very smooth and I got new pedals within a week of returning the old ones.
Now, I have used the new pedals for almost 500 km. After about 300, the pedals started to squeak. This time, it's both pedals, no matter which side I'm clipped in.
It's also most probably not the issue with shoes or cleats. In the meantime I started using new pair of shoes. A different model from another manufacturer set up with new cleats. The pedals squeak no matter which shoes I use.
I plan to contact Garmin Customer Support again but wanted to share my experience with the community first and also ask if anyone else has similar issues. I'm either terribly unlucky or there is a general issue with the pedals.
  • Garmin sent me a new pair which were great for about 1000miles. Cleat felt secure, no pedal interface slapping the bottom of my shoe making that clacking noise you speak of and then suddenly it started again. 

    I'm somewhat convinced that it only effects people with a certain bike fit/pedal stroke/cleat position as I can manipulate my stroke so that it doesn't happen. I dunno. Super annoying

  • I'm using Shimano S-Phyre 9 shoes with the supplied cleats from Garmin at present having tried Shimano Cleats (old or new doesn't affect the squeak)

    I do have some Shimano SH56's but no gotten around to an install as yet to try them

    I've tried teflon spray as recommend (works very briefly - but only a few <30 miles)

    I have found if I angle my foot inwards the squeak stops (usually my trick when passing someone else so as not to be completely embarrassed for not dealing with a poor sounding bike)

    I can solve the problem completely if I place a piece of inner tube around the body (not the cleat) of the pedal so that your cleat has a layer of rubber between that and the pedal but that looks ugly as sin!

  • Hola Hope_81 podrás compartir tus fotos por este medio?

  • Hola AGOMEZ_RUIZ!!

    Estas son las fotos que subi anteriormente. Espero te sirvan Slight smile

  • Hola Hope_81! No hablo mucho español, pero Google Translate dice esto:
    ¡Gracias por la recomendación de los protectores de calzado CrankBrothers! Los acabo de instalar en mis zapatillas de MTB y es posible que finalmente hayan solucionado mi chirrido. El tiempo lo dirá con seguridad...

    For everyone else, I bought the Crankbrothers Shoe Shields off Amazon and it seems like they might work. I did lube my pedals on my ride prior to installing and testing the Crankbrothers Shoe Shields, but tried to wipe it all off before my test ride. Didn’t hear any squeaking, but time will tell I suppose. 

    Here’s a link to the amazon listing for them. Better deal compared to buying from Crank Brothers:

  • The squeak problem may be a bigger issue than you would think. I am now on my third set of Garmin pedals. If you inspect  the pedals closely you will notice that a small amount of the the pedal plastic where the rear part of the cleat locks in has broken off. The has happened to me on three sets of rk pedals. I am just switching to rs to see if they are more robust.

  • Do you have a photograph of what you mean? - Wasn't aware anything was made of plastic on these pedals?

  • Welcome to the club - if you don't have the "correct" shoes (only five ten kestrel worked fine for me) it will be very hard to get on top of this problem. I had to change shoes again and so I also had to finally get rid of these ridiculously overpriced pedals that caused so much headache: bought for 1000 and replaced with a quarg spider for 500 + shimona xt pedals for 80 - after riding the new setup for several months I can tell you there's absolutely nothing the Rally pedals are capable of the quarg spider would'nt be.