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Two pairs of Garmin Rally XC200 squeaking when pedaling

Hi Guys, I thought I will share and ask if others have similar experience.
I bought Garmin Rally XC200 pedals at the end of May. After about two weeks and over 300 kilometers, I started to hear squeaking when pedaling. It was coming from the right pedal. Interestingly enough, the pedal squeaked only when clipped in on one side but not the other. It didn't seem to affect the power readouts but was really annoying.
I continued to ride with the squeaky pedal for another couple of hundred kilometers. Eventually, I ended up contacting Garmin customer support. They responded really fast and offered to replace my pedals. The whole process was very smooth and I got new pedals within a week of returning the old ones.
Now, I have used the new pedals for almost 500 km. After about 300, the pedals started to squeak. This time, it's both pedals, no matter which side I'm clipped in.
It's also most probably not the issue with shoes or cleats. In the meantime I started using new pair of shoes. A different model from another manufacturer set up with new cleats. The pedals squeak no matter which shoes I use.
I plan to contact Garmin Customer Support again but wanted to share my experience with the community first and also ask if anyone else has similar issues. I'm either terribly unlucky or there is a general issue with the pedals.
  • I have the same shoes and was wondering if the spacers fixed the issue. Also where did you find the 12.4mm bolts?

  • The slightly longer bolts came with the XC200 pedals but I've seen a few online retailers with them also - Not had a chance to try to the "fix" as yet as had other things on last weekend fingers crossed for a test later today!

  • The suggestions in this thread were extremely helpful for me so I wanted to follow-up with a data point which may help others.

    I installed XC-200 at the same time I acquired a new pair of Shimano XC-902 shoes. Garmin cleats were installed pushed all the way back. Squeaking started after about 150 miles of riding. 

    After reading this thread I picked up a pair of Shimano SHM-51 cleats and spacers. Upon first installing the cleats I noted that the spacers would have made the cleats sit slightly proud of the tread on my shoes. I elected to install without spacers and this solved the problem for me. I also sprayed the cleat and pedal with some spray dry lube (CRC brand "Dry Lube"). I'm now over 200 miles into this change and haven't had any further issues. 

    I think that the key here is to get the cleat as close to the level of the tread as possible without extending past the tread. In my case (shoes + cleat position) meant that I didn't need spacers, but YMMV.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 2 years ago

    I had been using the pedals without issues with my old "performance bike" cleats which happened to have a metal shim (to protect the carbon sole).  

    The cleats were finally worn so I removed the "shim" and installed the Garmin cleats.  I'm now getting squeaking after 30 miles (just one side so far).  It seems to come and go, so I'll try some of the recommendations here. 

    Before I go buying dry lube or shims (I threw mine away) - is this problem isolated strictly to the Garmin cleats?  I have some old Perormance Bike brand cleats but they're at my parents house an hour away...I'll have them mail it over if it's generally the cleats.

  • Not specific to just Garmin cleats.  I had this issue with two different sets of shoes using Shimano cleats.  At least for me, lube only worked for about 20 minutes into a ride.  The shims have been a permanent solution.

  • Hola amigos!

    Escribo en español porque así me expreso mejor.

    He encontrado la solución al problema que tenemos. Al menos a mí sí que me ha servido.
    He comprado estos protectores:
    Con esto, he conseguido bajar la cala hasta la placa de desgaste y sin tener la holgura que provoca el separador de Shimano. Ya no han vuelto a sonar los pedales!!
    Espero os sirva de ayuda

    Aquí os dejo fotos de cómo ha quedado:

    Y muchas gracias a todos, porque gracias a la opiniones de todos he podido solucionarlo!! Slight smile

  • I suspect it didn't last? Garmin is shipping my my third pair now.. each of the first 2 sets only worked for 300km's of riding before starting to chirp regularly. Half concerned that it's related to foot placement (my feet point outwards) after reading about people with inward toes not having the issue.

  • Foot position does affect the issue - I know if I turn my feet inwards (not tried outwards) to lock the foot/spd/pedal more (like I am trying to unclip) that the squeak does stop.  I'll bet you a free water that the 3rd pair squeak as well!!! Just a poor design somewhere down the line

  • Well my squeak still exists, albeit far better with the spacers and without using teflon spray but I've found with two spacers under my cleats that I cannot clip in to my Shimano XTR pedals (other bike with Stages Crank Arm Power Meters) easily or at all :-( so I am going back to single spacer and trying to get the best of both worlds.  

    The pedals (XC200's) will get some testing out in Majorca next week with a single spacers assuming that my airline doesn't lose them or my luggage!!