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Two pairs of Garmin Rally XC200 squeaking when pedaling

Hi Guys, I thought I will share and ask if others have similar experience.
I bought Garmin Rally XC200 pedals at the end of May. After about two weeks and over 300 kilometers, I started to hear squeaking when pedaling. It was coming from the right pedal. Interestingly enough, the pedal squeaked only when clipped in on one side but not the other. It didn't seem to affect the power readouts but was really annoying.
I continued to ride with the squeaky pedal for another couple of hundred kilometers. Eventually, I ended up contacting Garmin customer support. They responded really fast and offered to replace my pedals. The whole process was very smooth and I got new pedals within a week of returning the old ones.
Now, I have used the new pedals for almost 500 km. After about 300, the pedals started to squeak. This time, it's both pedals, no matter which side I'm clipped in.
It's also most probably not the issue with shoes or cleats. In the meantime I started using new pair of shoes. A different model from another manufacturer set up with new cleats. The pedals squeak no matter which shoes I use.
I plan to contact Garmin Customer Support again but wanted to share my experience with the community first and also ask if anyone else has similar issues. I'm either terribly unlucky or there is a general issue with the pedals.
  • I stacked two of them together on each shoe.

  • I can confirm, replacing the Garmin cleats with Shimano ones + the spacer fixed the problem on my end. Grinning

  • Are you using 1 or 2 spacers per shoe? What kind of shoes are you using? For reference, I'm using Fizik Terra Powerstrap X4 and for me using Shimano cleats + 1 spacer per shoe didn't get rid of the squeaking. I recently got the pedals replaced by Garmin with a new pair and the new pair started squeaking on the first ride ...

  • 1 spacer with Shimano xc7 shoes. FWIW my older and cheaper pairs do not have spacers and they never squeak.

  • Well one shim under each didn’t work - guess another set required to test further :-( 

  • Yeo, I needed two under each.

  • I had my pedals replaced recently because of this issue. The new set developed the same squeaking issue within a few rides. Very disappointing. I agree that lubing the pedal surfaces is not a solution: These pedals are meant to be used in off-road conditions. Lube + dirt = mess. And lubing the pedal surfaces only fixed the issue for about 30mi. I cannot stop every 30 miles to do maintenance on my pedals because of a design flaw ..

    I contacted the support chat about the issue. The guy pointed me to the lube "solution". After telling him that that is not a proper solution to the problem, he basically said "Well, I guess we can keep replacing them until they're out of warranty." What kind of solution is that? I asked about replacing the pedals for a refund but was told that they're out of the 30 day return period. They also took a $440 deposit from me for the replacement process and still haven't refunded it even though the return pedals arrived at Garmin almost a month ago.

    I feel Garmin is really dropping the ball here.

  • uktricky, have you tried putting 2 shims per shoe yet?

  • I'd suggest placing a shim under each cleat. That solved the issue for me. Regarding the deposit refund, you should definitely follow up with them about that. I had a separate issue they issued a replacement set for me and they refunded the deposit within a day or two of receiving my shipment.