Yesterday I received the update 26.11., the only thing I noticed was the addition of support for encrypted Bluetooth and Ant+ transmission, will the full changelog be available?
Yesterday I received the update 26.11., the only thing I noticed was the addition of support for encrypted Bluetooth and Ant+ transmission, will the full changelog be available?
j'espere qu'ils ont reglés les pb de ceintures cardio qui ne fonctionnement plus correctement
Then you should look in the beta forum and if you have questions then post there
Not the OP, but I also received this update through the beta program, but unfortunately there's nothing posted there at all.
I look at the beta forum every day, the beta forum is locked because there is no beta active, that's why I asked here
Beta czy nowy firemware? Obecnie mam 25.25 i czujników już nie rozłancza.
Beta or new firmware? Currently I have 25.25 and the sensors no longer disconnect.
You should translate your posts yourself, please.
Answer: 26.11 is beta.
Start using Google translate, please. You've been asked more than once to do that.
English, please.