Restarting after avtivity ending

 Software 21.18 the device constantly restarts after completion of activity. When I press the stop button after finishing the ride, the device restarts and after the restart it returns to the activity recording screen. In the previous version of the software, the device restarted randomly while driving/navigating. How is it possible that a device that has been on the market for 2 years still has buggy, underdeveloped software? Why does this display keep lighting up while charging? Whoever creates this software and who publishes it is not suitable for beta testing.

  • it‘s an absolute disgrace! Two years old device and I still have major problems connecting my sensors and currently it‘s impossible for my EE2 to connect to the phone This was my last garmin device, next one will be a Wahoo who‘s not playing with their customers and brings devices to the market which just works!  

  • Check your "Timer Start Mode" setting. If it's set to "Auto", the timer will start automatically whenever the device detects movement.

  • What does this have to do with the timer? XD? The device restarts after manually stopping the training to complete and save it. I also have an edge 530, fenix and instinct, I can use these devices and I know their functions Laughing

  • Tmk2 gave good advise. What is your timer start mode set on. Have you tried the manual setting?

  • Do you understand what I'm writing? What does the stopwatch start mode have to do with the fact that when I finish my ride I want to save it, after stopping it MANUALLY using the lower right button, the device restarts and only after the restart it returns to the ride summary screen and saving it. I don't need your advice, I just need these pseudo-engineers in training to finally release some stable software that won't crash.

  • Okay, you explained it better this time. Have you talked to Garmin Support? What did they say?

  • And what is your clue? I should I contact support after each screwed-up update? XDLaughing in version 21.16 it restarted randomly during long navigation. After all, on average, every second/third update screws up something. I'm sure their "engineers" come to this forum, let them read and not just cluck about how great GARMIN is.

    It's the same with watches - they fix something in the software while breaking something else, and so every month they release a new update that improves what they messed up in the previous version. And generally, as in this case, the device has been on the market for 2 years and has corrupted software, and for 2 years they have not been able to release stable and well made software.

  • Sounds like you have a faulty device that should have been replaced. Your experience is not typical. This is just a user forum and Garmin does not closely monitor it so I doubt you will find answers here.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 2 months ago

    Check how full is the internal memory. Garmin had this problem in the past. For example when was low on memory and you give a task to simple restart. So probably you have to delete some old, tracks maps or uninstall any apps. Maybe one of the apps creates a conflict.. You never know. If there are not to many user with this problem that's on your piece. Maybe at Garmin service a full format and write the software again.