When we get this software Version 21.17 fixing BLE connections?
When we get this software Version 21.17 fixing BLE connections?
ANT+ not wakeup :(
It’s laughable that a hot fix such as this is incrementally rolled out. What a *** disgrace. Then they wonder why people get annoyed.
The display when using OSM maps now generates a black line along both sides of roads. This never happened with the 19.xx firmware and doesn't happen when using the same OSM maps on my GPS66. So the issue is 21.17 firmware. I note that a number of OSM suppliers have produced a workround but come on, Garmin. Surely, you can do better than this. You had the display working just fine and you broke it.
Isn't that black line part of the map tile picture?
No. The "new" black line is a thick black line on both sides of a road. The road edge is shown quite differently In any event, the thick black line is not shown on my GPS 66 when using the same mapping. I am not alone in being irritated by this thick black line - users of 1040s and other Garmin Edge products have also commented. And if the OOSM suppliers can get rid of the thick black line for Edge units, surely the manufacturer with all its resources can do likewise.
Yes, I also noticed those thick black lines. Can you tell me more about what exactly the OSM map providers recommend?
It's an issue that shows up on Edge models of the x40 series and the Explore 2 with software 21.16 or later. Other Garmin devices are not affected.
The work-around is that OSM maps that are generated using a Mkgmap script need their built-in typ-file replaced by a bitmap-only version. A handy (Windows!) tool is JaVaWa's TYPchanger program: https://www.javawa.nl/typchanger_en.html
Note that only the .img file on the Garmin device has to be modified.
As an illustration see the OpenFietsMap at https://www.openfietsmap.nl/ and https://www.openfietsmap.nl/tips-tricks/customize where modified typ-files for all OFM maps are available.
Garmin, for some reason, changed the map rendering rules wihout further explanation and surely they must know that users of third party maps now suffer of less smooth map display because of the bitmap-only rendering of the line elements (roads!) in contrary to the original vector rendering. Discouraging tactics for using third party maps?
Same problem, is it the same with you that it only happens with Residential/Unclassified Road type?
All highways and major roads.
Oh, I ignored them! Zoomed out more and same with you.