Device forgets random sensors if it "sleeps" during an activity.

Edge Explore 2 device, used with a number of sensors: Fenix 6 pro for wrist HR (I broadcast HR from the watch, not a separate cycling activity on the watch), a varia radar, a variety of Specialized ebike sensors.

The device starts a fresh activity just fine. All sensors automatically operable and doing what they are suppposed to. But....

If the Edge device goes to sleep, like a cafe stop or lunch break, whatever, with the activity paused, the sleep can be automatic or traiggered manually, the device will stop connecting to a random selection of the sensors, sometime one, sometimes another. Disabling/re-enabling a sensor can -sometimes- wake that sensor up, but only a small fraction of the time. Removing the sensor then putting it back doesn't help when it is in this state. It seems to make no difference if the sensors are continually on while the Edge sleeps, or the sensors are fully off, and carefully started up before the Edge device, or if the sensors aare powred on after the Edge wakes up. Once it's in this state, it stays that way until perhaps the next days, or the next full reboot of the device.

A hard reset and redoing the sensors makes it go away, until the next system software update, then the problem returns. This is recurring with each system software update for about a year now.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 1 month ago

    Same problem here with Garmin HRM only solution is to reboot device but of course you cannot do that during an activity, so either lose the progress or stop it and split. Really? 

    Honest Garmin is a dinosaur or Neanderthal also on how the settings are design. Is my first experience with Garmin an I regret it already. Will be the last one. 

  • You can safely pause the ride using button on the bottom, then long press power button and power off. Then switch on and resume ride. All sensors should reconnect. I think bug remains in the 24.05 beta



  • Same issue with recently purchased Explore 2 and Varia RTL515. Very frustrating.

  • I managed to rectify this by turning off the ‘Auto-sleep’ function which is within each Activity Profile (eg: Road, Off-Road, Indoor).  The Garmin comes with Auto-Sleep set to ‘On’ and this kicks in after a number of minutes inactivity and ends the ride.

    Select an Activity Profile (touch the screen where it says ‘Road’ for example) and it will take you to the settings for the ‘Road’ Profile.  Auto-Sleep is one of the settings.  Switch it to Off.  Now when you take a break on a Road ride and the Pause (parallel vertical bars) appears on the Garmin screen, touch the screen to Pause the ride and the Garmin will stay awake in Pause mode until you move again.  Mine automatically goes to Play mode when I get moving and I don’t lose any of the sensors.  I do have to remember to switch the Garmin off when the ride is complete and saved because the Auto-Sleep function is now disabled.  I selected my Auto-Sleep to Off in all my Activity Profiles.

    Hope this helps.

  • I managed to rectify this by turning off the ‘Auto-sleep’ function which is within each Activity Profile (eg: Road, Off-Road, Indoor).  The Garmin comes with Auto-Sleep set to ‘On’ and this kicks in after a number of minutes inactivity and ends the ride.

    Select an Activity Profile (touch the screen where it says ‘Road’ for example) and it will take you to the settings for the ‘Road’ Profile.  Auto-Sleep is one of the settings.  Switch it to Off.  Now when you take a break on a Road ride and the Pause (parallel vertical bars) appears on the Garmin screen, touch the screen to Pause the ride and the Garmin will stay awake in Pause mode until you move again.  Mine automatically goes to Play mode when I get moving and I don’t lose any of the sensors.  I do have to remember to switch the Garmin off when the ride is complete and saved because the Auto-Sleep function is now disabled.  I selected my Auto-Sleep to Off in all my Activity Profiles.

    Hope this helps.

  • Same problem with a 4iii power meter.  Lost connection after a stop and not even sleep mode.

  • Having the same issue - found this thread while looking for a solution. I don't consider turning off auto-sleep to be a fix, rather an annoying band aid.

    As others have reported, when I pause my ride and put the device in standby then later resume my sensors no longer reconnect - specifically the official Garmin speed and cadence sensors. Manually reconnecting them does not work.

    I don't believe this bug has always existed, as this used to be how I'd manage the device while stopped for a break, but it seems to have sprung up in the last year for me.

  • Does anyone know whether 1050 solves this problem?

  • I had several Edge units, but this one is crap (or the software is).

    I have this "forgets sensors" problem and "incorrect GPS speed and distance" (15 % off). (i don't have a speed sensor).

    The last speed/distance issue i have the last 2 rides

  • It seems that no one reads this thread, just adds their complaint at the end, so I will write my comment again.

    if your device experiences this, the solution that worked for me many times is to put the device to sleep again, and wake it up. All sensor reconnect after that.