On-device Connect IQ Store app disappeared

According to the Connect IQ android app I still have the Connect IQ Store app installed on the ee2, but when I enter the menu on the device it's not there:

Settings > Connect IQ > I see 3 apps I installed but not the Connect IQ store.

  • Does it occupy one slot of available apps in the CIQ Store?

    If so, and you still don't see it on your device, you can plug your device into a PC and delete everything in the "Garmin/Apps" folder. This will delete all apps/data fields from the device. Simply reinstall the ones you need.

    By the way, I think the on-device CIQ Store is useless. If you want to get rid of it in the future (to get one more available slot), the good news is that deleting the files in that folder will also remove it.

  • I agree it's useless but disappearing apps is still a bug

  • Had to disconnect my explore from the connect app and reconnect. It reappeared as did the Komoot app. This morning it’s dropped off again. I cannot wait to change to a different device, the hardware is fine but the glitchy performance and non user friendly interface is not good enough. A wahoo can’t be worse! 

  • Yes, unfortunately Garmin hardly fixes any bugs (when they do, probably not intentionally...) it's just annoying that we pay so much and get this bug collection (and they sometimes add new bugs...) Most of the "workarounds" don't really work, as you said, it happens again and again. Maybe if Garmin would pay for us to do QA for them I would be more patient...