From DuoTrap S no Cadence display on Edge Explore 2

Although it worked when I first got it I am now not able to see the cadence display from my Bontrager DuoTrap S on my Garmin Edge Explore 2 (Software Version 9.07). 
I can't pair the devices using ANT+ only with BLE. And that doesn't work. 

The DuoTrap S has a fresh battery. I don't have any other speed or cadence sensors enabled.
When I attempt to pair it from the menu Sensors > Add Sensor > Speed/Cadence.
The "...rotate the crankarms" messages appears; I do so and the red and green lights on the DuoTrap light up. 
The screen "Sensors Found" appears but  none are shown, only "Show Bluetooth Sensors" appears.
When I select it "Speed/Cadence DuoTrap S" with a check box.  I click Add which does add it to the list. 

When I start recording on the Garmin it shows Cadence as "--". When I turn the cranks or ride the bike it changes to "0" and never changes. 

  • Update: I called Garmin Support, and they told me that the problem was with the DuoTrap, that the EE2 just shows whatever it was sending. 

    As it turns out that's not the case. I usually start my rides from home, but one day I did a car top, and forgot the bike computer. But I had recently purchased a Venu SQ 2 so I set that up to connect to the cadence sensor. And guess what? It worked! 

    So I called Garmin support again. They had me not just disable any other sensors, but to delete ALL of them. Then pair the DuoTrap anew. And that worked.