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Edge explore not syncing

Syncing had been getting slower and slower and I was frequently having to manually sync. Now, the only way I get it to sync after I save a ride is to restart my phone and manually sync in the Connect app. I have a Pixel 6a, running Android 13 (build TQ2A.230305,008.E1). Garmin Connect is version 4.65.1. My Edge Explore 2 is running 7.09. The device shows as connected properly in the app (I see the green dot around the circle).

  • First step should be to update your EE2 firmware to 8.06, which solves some bugs.

  • Thanks. I had looked at System->About and Software Update said "No Updates Available", but now I see on the phone when I connect and look on the App I see "Sending Software Update". That seems to be taking a very long time.

  • I always use Garmin Express on the PC. It should be a matter of a few minutes.

  • Hadn't had to use the computer for years through a former Edge 520 and now a few months of the Explore 2. Got it fired up and predicted 2 hours for a map update...

  • Got it updated to 8.06 through Express. At the end, Express made me think the update had failed as it was showing me again the option to do a map update that it predicted would be 2 hours. Nowhere in the description of the map update does it seem to show that is (or includes?) the update to 8.06. But, eventually when I unplugged the Explore 2 it showed the screen asking me if I wanted to install the update. Makes me think that the slowness of all my syncs has been because the activity sync was competing with attempts to download 11GB of map/update at the same time. Would should be helpful if it just said - hey there's a really big update that you ought to connect to your computer to do...

  • Now to actually go ride and see if sync works better at the end...

  • Garmin could be more user friendly, sure. But once you got it it should work fine. Have fun.

  • Unfortunately, the update hasn't solved the problem. Finished the ride, waited until I was in WiFi coverage for my phone, clicked save, In the past, I'd expect a notification from both Garmin and Strava that the activity was ready within about 30 seconds. I waited two minutes and nothing had happened. I went into Garmin Connect and tried to manually sync. No luck. The phone connection worked all through the ride (got notifications). I did find the phone need a reboot  for a monthly security update. After the reboot, the sync worked. Guess we'll see tomorrow if anything has changed before trying more drastic actions.

  • Yeah - tried again this morning. Same behavior - doesn't auto sync after saving (within the couple of minutes it used to take). Manual sync didn't seem to work, until after a phone reboot...

  • Strange. I saved a tour  today, and the phone - pixel - displayed it with tons of data in an instant. Check the permissions of the connect app: access to location eg. should always be on (as opposed to just when you use the app). Check whether your device is connected - it should be visible with a green dot within the app. These are the only ideas I have.