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Device crash when recalculating route

Is someone else experiencing device reboot when you deviate from the course and select "recalculate route" from the pop-up?

  • I've had this once or twice out of maybe fifty times.

  • Same here, latest firmware.
    This was not the problem before the update

  • Yes on latest firmware.  I used to have on auto recalculate set but changed to prompt. Tapping recalculate about half a dozen times in different locations made it crash.

  • Updated to latest firmware 9.07
    This problem still exists!
    Garmin support, do something!

  • I haven't had any full on crashes but when re-routing it hangs, the map disappears from the screen and it eventually catches up and carries on. This is usually whilst following a course.

  • Yes Phil, when device needs to re-route it crashes. If you are not re-routing when you are off course, device stays alive.

    I did open support ticket to Garmin few moths ago, uploaded them whole device backup, restore to factory settings, did all the things they asked me to... and they responded that they will fix it in future releases, but that day still has not come.

    It's so unprofessional that this problem still exists after several months of discovering and no solution from support.

  • Yes it's frustrating, I was about to get hold of where I bought mine and ask them to consider a warranty replacement, but it sounds like it a FW issue so any replacement will be no better. Hopefully v.10 might fix it??
    I'll patiently wait for a new map in case that's the issue, I'm on Europe 11.2022 and I assume a 2023 map will be out soon, but if it doesn't improve I'll look again at returning it.

  • Yes, it's a FW problem not HW problem, but why we need to be beta testers for the product that we paid full retail price?
    We didn't get discounted test products in order to tolerate supports behaviour.

    Due to this unprofessional behaviour, I'm strongly considering to switch to another vendor.
    If they are not willing to solve the problem, then there is no point in buying other new products from Garmin.

    Shame on you Garmin.

  • Hello guys i am experiencing the same problem, did you reach any conclusions about what is causing it? I'm trying to troubleshoot it by disabling rerouting options but the problem persists when I get off the track, the device stops responding, screen freezes and i can only reboot it by holding power for 20 seconds, very frustrating. Do you use any third party maps or IQ connect widgets fields ?

  • It is not related to any third party maps or widgets, it crashes out of the box/ factory reset. Mine crashes every time.
    No solution yet, but we did get support for emoji not that long ago.