Edge 840 26.18 litany of problems

Mid-ride while in the navigation screen it jumped to the Last Course Added screen. During the ride while in the navigation screen it beeps about every ten seconds. At the end of the ride, it did not provide the option to save to ride. Does anyone have any idea what might be cause this? Since the ride data was lost I tried a reset and now it will not pair with my phone. This is pretty disappointing for a device that is all of two months old.

  • Sounds like the start button was not pressed.

  • No, it was pressed. It was doing all the usual things such as autopausing at stops and automatically starting when I start rolling. All of the stats were updating during the ride. I ended up doing a hard reset Monday to get back to factory defaults and did a 33 mile ride and everything worked fine except that it beeps every ten seconds or so. 

  • There are only two ways to get to the home page (where the last course added is) during a ride.  One is to finish and discard the ride. The other is to press the back button during a ride. 

    From your description does look as though the ride was finished and then discarded. This might be a bug in the Garmin software. It could also be faulty buttons, faulty touch screen, water on the screen or fat fingers (we all have them sometimes). 

    If the device is beeping every ten seconds, that suggests that some error or alert is present. Have you checked what sensors are connected? 

    Also, to repair with you phone, have you remembered to delete it first from the phone before re-adding it?