Edge 840, 26.18 - can’t sync neither with Connect, nor via wifi

Basically - the problem that it can’t sync over wifi - connected, but failed

my iPhone also doesn’t see Edge anymore. I also delete Edge from Connect and can’t add it back as new device :/

checking for Updates - endless process

very disappointing :/

  • So,

    I’ve deleted from Bluetooth Edge 840 (somehow I had 2 same named devices there)

    and now it works!

  • After update to 26.18 I can not synchronize activity to Connect (mobile app). Activity is store just in my Edge 840. Bluetooth works, synchronization works (at least seems works) but activity is not send to mobile phone to Connect

    I did delete Bluetooth connection a create new one, still does not work, wifi synchronization does not work at all.

    Does anybody idea what to do?

    I am hate all this stupid update, my Edge worked much better when I purchased.

    Also navigation has issue since 26.15(?) - after turn the detail of the map stay on the screen and will not disappear automatically. You always have to push X to get real screen of time navigation back.

  • After update to 26.18 I can not synchronize activity to Connect (mobile app). Activity is store just in my Edge 840. Bluetooth works, synchronisation works (atleast seems works) but activity is not send to mobile phone to Connect

    I did delete bluetooth connection a create new one, still does not work. Wifi synchronization does not work at all.

    Does anybody know, what to do?

    I am hate all this updates, my Edge worked much better when I purchased.

    Also navigation has issue - after turn the detail of the map stay on the screen and will not disappear automaticly. You always have to push X to get real screen of time navigation back.

  • I did, with notebook, Garmin does not support.

    Only way how you can sync activity to Connect is trhought mobile app. 

  • my ride won't upload today.. strangely the Heart rate part of the ride is showing on  my Calendar... but not the ride itself... 

    will try and connect via a cable and upload via GE, like a caveman or something!

  • this Edge is the same as the 2/3 versions before ... it's needs updates and updates before it works correctly
    but the 840 works better 4/5 updates ago, I ask it already several times can we downgrade or no, and if yes, how can we do this ?

  • What's the solution here? I did two rides today and the first didn't sync. It's on my Edge, but isn't showing up on Connect, not through the App or through GE on Windows.

    I really won't have time to micromanage this device once the very busy ride season goes into full swing. Why is it hard to make this device reliable? I don't need fancy features, but I do need to be able to trust this thing.

  • I’m having the same issue. Can’t sync todays ride via Bluetooth or WiFi now after this update. (Bluetooth didn’t work before anyway but at least WiFi sync was reliable). Very frustrating. Time to get a wahoo?

  • Just really bad software quality control.  You would think syncing activities with one of their newer devices would be tested extensively before the version gets released.  My  gps computer is a brick.