I would like to reopen the topic of a motorcycle profile.
As we know, there is motorcycle routing (using 3rd party or eg. Fenix maps), and the only thing missing is a profile. I understand trying to sell Zumo and other products, but placing such arbitrary limitations is in my opinion doing the exacly opposite - I curse Garmin in this decision each time I have to delete/change activity type to different one on a couple platforms. And I will never ever buy a Zumo product having CarPlay, and if anything - it's pushing me away from buying any new Garmin products knowing that I may hit some arbitrary limitation (not the same but 'You're holding it wrong' comes to mind) on a quite an expensive device, and knowing that despite several people voicing the exact same sentiment nothing will change. And it's especially frustrating as it's just a matter of changing a singular number in a .fit file - I've tried both hex-editing profiles on Edge and copying a profile from a Fenix but neither work.
So - dear Garmin - will we get some more profiles on Edge devices?