25.25 - we expect new update !?

There are now many posts about this damn 25.25

Let's start a common together and ask Garmin to provide us with a new update that gives access to the many applications that we used daily (together and at the same time) and which no longer work.

What is no longer working for you?

Garmin Express (sometime yes, sometimes no)

Garmin Basecamp

Garmin Mapinstall

Load my track

others I do not think about ...

Garmin, please update this

  • Grade calculation

    Zoom/in-out and pan constantly on map screen (whilst Garmin user manual do show these!)

    No "stop navigation" button whilst navigating on screen

  • There has been a 26.07 beta available for almost a month now (mid Dec 24) but nothing earth shaking in the change log, not even tea cup shaking, until they provide a larger map cursor symbol for x40 devices they can keep all the other pointless "enhancements" although a few "fixes" to looong standing bugs would be nice too.

  • they could reduce from full screen the smart drink/eat alerts and maybe if it has to be full screen set those small security related alerts full screen.

    don't need a full screen alert to eat a banana.....

  • About 20-25% of the time it fails to show today's workout that was synced from TrainingPeaks to Connect to the 840. Worse it shows today as a rest day with no workout. The workout is in the Workout library on the 840.

  • Your 840 not being recognized by Finder is expected as the 25.25 update introduced a change to MTP mode. 

    Also, we are aware of some users seeing connection problems with Garmin Express, and this is being looked into on our side. I apologize for not having a more concrete update, but we are looking into these reports. 

    As for the other applications, only one application at a time will be able to see an MTP device on a Mac. If Garmin Express is open, please close it and try to have your Edge be seen in Basecamp then. 

  • Thank you very much for your return,
    If we know MTP is the problem, it should be easy to let us choose the mode we want.
    Honestly, it's not practical, I don't need to wait, first because the connection takes time (a lot) and therefore before realizing that there must already be another application that works, you have to find which one, close it, come back and wait again.
    And it won't show up in Finder anyway!
    If, in the mean time it will be fixed, I can revert to an earlier version, I will.

  • any news about the connection problem?

    I think that even if we are connected, we cannot change anything, I have been trying since yesterday to do something that I am used to doing a hundred times, changing the Total.fit file that I corrected with fitfilerepair, the ODO do not change, so I think that the Total.fit file that I put in the NewFile, and the total file that I deleted, nothing is in fact really done?

    Garmin, please give us a solution!!! fix those connection issues and get it working like it used to with all 16 units I've owned over time (also on the 840, before 25.25 begin Januari I bring odo back to zero km) !

  • this is sooo FRUSTATING, this morning I connect my old 830 (4 mounth ago, I buy the 840 because this unit passed more then 1 hour into the laundry machine and thus is very clean :) ) and about immediately he appears in the finder !!!! and the Total.fit that I copy in the newfile.map give me with no problem a new ODO value !!!!
    I want now to know what is the advantage of that MTP garbage !!!!?????

    In the mean time I think I use again my old (but clean) 830