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Compass will not work correctly

Ever since I installed a beta a couple of months ago, my compass/navigation will not work correctly.

I reported it in the beta section, but got no replies, and now the boards are locked.

It will not show the correct direction anymore. South is West, East is North, etc. Calibrating the compass does not make any difference, and neither did a reset.

The thing is completely useless without correct bearings. It used to  be perfect, and would even work flawlessly indoors, so something has gone wrong.

  • Absolutely agree compass should work.  That said, I've never used it.  Earlier Edge units didn't have a compass.  Neither did many stand-alone GPS units.  The direction of movement on the map was used to know direction.  These devices were all useful despite not have compasses.

  • My compass seemed totally erratic as well. Then I changed the GPS mode, from "auto" to "most precise". I think it solved the issue.

  • GPS can not tell heading (which direction you're facing) .  It can only detect position and from that,  motion by the change in position over time.  If you're moving in a direction, the GPS will indicated direction assuming you're facing in the same direction you're moving (your track).  A magnetic sensor is used to detect the Earth's magnetic field and indicated heading.

  • Hello all and thank you for your participation here.

    We are investigating reports of Edge x40 erratic compass performance and have all of the info we need at this time. We expect to improve this behavior and I will update here with new info when available.

    I have no troubleshooting suggestions at this time, as calibrating the compass is not expected to correct erratic compass performance.

    While riding, the Edge magnetic compass is verified by GPS data (a line between any two GPS points). In other scenarios you could experience erratic compass behavior, such as while stationary or indoors, or near objects that influence magnetic fields.