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Compass will not work correctly

Ever since I installed a beta a couple of months ago, my compass/navigation will not work correctly.

I reported it in the beta section, but got no replies, and now the boards are locked.

It will not show the correct direction anymore. South is West, East is North, etc. Calibrating the compass does not make any difference, and neither did a reset.

The thing is completely useless without correct bearings. It used to  be perfect, and would even work flawlessly indoors, so something has gone wrong.

  • I got the same thing. The compass shows incorrectly! Calibration does not help. I didn't put beta versions, it happened after the last update 25.24 or 25.25

  • Hi, thanks for your post. A few more details about when you experience incorrect compass or navigation performance and what you are seeing would be helpful.

    We are investigating this report; If you experience similar behavior, do I have your permission to reach out to you via email to collect more details?

  • With regards to when I experience this issue; The answer is, all of the time - from the moment the device gets to the home screen after booting up.

    I don't know the ins and out of how the compass works, and whether GPS is used in conjunction with it, but GPS signal is absolutely fine.

    One thing I have always liked about Garmin cycling computers, is how accurate the compass/navigation is. But something has gone seriously wrong since updating to the 25.* firmwares.

    It doesn't seem to point to the correct bearing anymore. 

    I stand with it pointing North, and it shows West. I point it towards the West, and it'll show Southeast. I point it to the East, it shows South.

    As I mentioned in my initial post, the compass used to work perfectly indoors as well.

    I know this might sound funny, but I had to climb on to my roof a few months back, as I was installing something that needed to point directly North. I used my 840 to get the exact bearing I needed, as it was the most accurate tool.

    Now, if I step outside in to the garden, it shows me that North is now West.

    You have my permission for email correspondence. 

  • Hi, ! GPS works without any problems. The problem is the compass. It started to work intermittently. For example, I am heading east, but the device shows north. Then at one moment the device shows it correctly again. And it goes on like this all the time. I have to say that I'm not training right now. We've got cold weather, ice in places.. I just took and checked 840 on hiking trips around the city. I would also like to add that the operation of the compass indoors shows the same results, although earlier it worked without problems. If you need any device files, you can always contact me by email.

  • Hi, I have exactly the same problem, GPS works very well, but the compass doesn't. When I stop or move slowly the compass shows random directions, sometimes it stops at some place without any logical explanation. I have the same problem with my Forrerunner 965 watch after updating to version 21.20.

  • I also have problem with compass, it shows values 90-180 degrees incorrect to reality

  • Same here, just got the 840 yesterday, installed/configured everything but indeed the compass is all over the place.

  • Hello all, thanks for your feedback here. I've raised this report for investigation and will update here with any new info.

    I can reproduce some odd compass behavior while stationary and while indoors, and this is likely due to magnetic interference. I have not been able to reproduce poor compass performance while riding outdoors with a GPS signal.

    If you have any other details you can share about odd compass performance, especially while riding outdoors, please reply here with your consent for me to reach out to you via email.

  • Compass gets into incorrect position while stopped during ride (for example traffic light stop)

  • Just to let Garmin know; I've sold my 840 on eBay, and moved over to another manufacturer.

    The compass issues were beyond irritating, they were absolutely unacceptable. It made my 840 completely useless!