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Why is MTP not configurable? I need mass storage access!!!!!

I have a sports app running accessing activity files by mass storage.
Further I like to transfer maps and gpx files myself.

What to do now?
Time to say goodbye?

This is unbelievable 

  • I suppose this shows the disadvantages of using unsupported apps.  The full activity files have been available in the cloud for over 10 years and accessing them this way is supported by Garmin (who take a much more open approach than competitors).  It's also hardware independent, more secure and more reliable. Couldn't the developer have updated their software by now? 

    You want to transfer gpx files yourself. Why? Again, the supported method is to upload them to the cloud and sync automatically from there. Garmin have significantly improved this in the last year or so. 

    What's unbelievable is acting like the cloud doesn't exist, expecting Garmin to support legacy protocols that nobody else uses for ever and still trying to do your computing like its 1995. 

  • Even if the cloud exists; what is wrong with making a gpx with whatever tool on your PC and copying it to the Newfiles folder on the Garmin.

  • Because there are better routing apps then Connect or Komoot and f..cking Strava?

    Because I am deciding myself which sports app to use and in which way handling files?

    and as mentioned further, I am deciding myself which maps to use and how to deal with them.

    You can let Garmin rule you and pay money for it....

    ... me not.

    My only reason keeping Garmin was the ability to use other maps. Making this now impossible or at least much more complicated is a good reason to stop now.
    For me the Garmins way of software development was poor already for year. Giving a *** on making things configurable for user using it. But in the past there were no real alternatives.
    Especially this year there are a lot of options.

    I just bought a Dura and a Pace Pro and even new to it quite satisfied and much more intuitive to use. A lot or good ideas in the GUI.

    So finally - Thx Garmin for your last update!!! It gave me the kick to try something else. 

  • On windows 10 I am able to copy maps into:   This PC\Edge 840\Internal Storage\Garmin and gpx files into:This PC\Edge 840\Internal Storage\Garmin\NewFiles

  • Why is everybody so upset, I can access all directories and files. Delete, add, the works

  • Which OS? By an MTP file manager?

    We are not discussing about possible workarounds.
    We are complaining about changing things unnecessarily.
    AND without any announcement.

  • Windows 10, no MTP manager, just the explorer

  • I confirm that from Windows 10 I can access the Edge folders from Explorer

  • There is a free program called openmtp and when I run it I can see all files on my Edge 840 on a Mac. Others have shown that Windows can also see the files.

  • Nobody told there are no workarounds. 
    It is not needed to force MTP.
    It makes map transfer more complex.
    It makes it more uncomfortable to work with non Garmin software.

    That is the goal. There is no need to make filesystem not directly accessible.

    Anyway - I don't mind anymore. The Dura is working quite well. Did not found any big issues bothering me.