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FW 25.25 and wifi sync still dosen't work

I'm already on my second 840 and with this one I'm having the exact same thing when it comes to syncing over wifi.
Failed, failed 9 out of 10 attempts probably.

I posted on version 24 or something and it still hasn't been resolved...
There have been posts about wifi since the release of this model.

Of course I've tried deleting networks, changing security, even without. Nothing works even 50/50.
With each update I still hope this annoying bug gets resolved. I've seen even in the Beta program that there are a lot of users reporting this problemand no response from the Garmin team
Do we have to understand that it's known that it can't be resolved? That it's more of a hardware problem?

  • Hi,

    I m having a problem on my 840 since 25.25 update this morning : new activity doesn't sync automatically !

    The only way around was to manually import the fit file into Garmin Connect.

    The wifi is connected, and so is the bluetooth. I have verified both. 

    It looks like the 25.25 has come with some issue...

    Thnaks for your help !


  • confirmed..edge 1040..

    unfortunately I did the "downgrade" to 25.25...


    my today's tour is lost, only can see it in the device..

    neither wifi nor Bluetooth upload are working since 25.25..

    and I tried to connect as usb device to the pc, but it fails to copy any files...

    thanks, garmin..

    I will never again waste my money on garmin products.

  • Hello, thanks for your post.

    If the manual "Wi-Fi Sync" option is selected some time after the Edge has synced (Garmin Connect shows activities uploaded, there are no new files to be synced), a "sync failed" message will be displayed.

    If new activities are uploaded to Garmin Connect despite a Wi-Fi "sync failed" message, there is no error beyond confusing messaging ("failed").

    In many cases where the Edge is also paired to a smartphone and the Garmin Connect App via Bluetooth, the Edge will have already synced via BLE before attempting a manual sync via Wi-Fi (resulting in a sync failed message).

    We are currently investigating changes to make this experience more user-friendly.

  • I'd recommend reaching out to Garmin Support for your region to discuss these concerns.

    On my end it appears your Edge 1040 has been syncing successfully via Wi-Fi, but I'd need your consent to review your account details, and more details about what you are seeing in order to assist.

    Let me know what you're seeing or if you have any other questions.

  • hi,

    thanks for the reply.

    well, I did several rides after the one which failed to upload. they were uploaded successfully.

    but the mentioned file does not upload and is not even accessible by usb connection. so I can only assume the file is corrupted, because the edge 1040 did a reset close to the end of the ride. unfortunately this is not the first time, that the device resets without any reason.

    but until now, I never lost any files...

  • It does sound like you may have a corrupted activity file. With the recent change to MTP, you may require a Windows PC to view the activity files on your Edge.

    Garmin Connect allows you to try manually uploading files and there are many .fit file repair tools found online.
    For reference: Error When Manually Uploading Activity Data to Garmin Connect

    If you continually experience corrupt file or syncing issues with your Edge 1040 please reach out to Garmin Support or begin a new thread.